My daughter and I were talking last night and she asked me why I hadn't taken any pictures of the house while it is deck out for Christmas???? I couldn't answer that one so I whipped out the camera and took a few shots of my favorite things. As I said before, I really didn't do too much this year in the way of decorating so here you have it in all it's glory... photos of my Christmas house before I take it all down next week .
This is a picture of the tree with out the flash on. I love the look of a Christmas tree at night. A house would not be a home at Christmas with out reminding us about the reason for the season and the first thing everyone see's when they walk into the house is the Nativity Scene. The rest of the photos are some of my Big Santa Clauses ans nic nacks.
I love my tree it is filled with TOYS, airplanes, trucks, blocks, kites, ballet slippers, drums, bicycles, puppets, jack in the boxes, metal and wooden pull toys, hot air balloons, balls & porcelain dolls. I may have missed something I am sure. Then I have quite the collection of all sorts of Santa's, blown glass, metal, wood, woodland, traditional and hand made Santa's. You can never have too many Santa's. Then to top it all off I have jewel toned round ornaments. I have a really beautiful Santa for the tree topper too.
Oh how I miss seeing your beautiful home and being with you at the holidays. Feliz Ano Nuevo (can't make that little mark on the Ano). I hope this year brings health and wealth for you my dear. Me, I am just hoping for chocolate, ability to pay my bills and taking stamping time. My love to you and yours.
carey and Roscoe
Lots of fun and beautiful decorations, Patrice. Wonderful tree!
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